“Transforming lives, one child at a time”
Due to all the lockdowns, we have had to adapt our approach and make it available to our students online. It was a steep learning curve and we are very grateful that Hils is now able to support students online globally. Contact us to find out more.
Our Services
“The magic of humans is their differences and these must be preserved, for it is through difference that greatness is born.”
Human beings are as individual as a thumb print. Each of us engages with the world in our own way, bringing to it richness of colour, thought and sound.
But what happens to the child whose perspectives are so unusual that he seems to stand alone and apart from his peers at school?
At Hils, we believe that some children are simply different learners, not less able ones. It is this philosophy of belief in the child that forms the foundation of our entire approach.
We start by determining what the child can do instead of focusing on limitations. Little by little, the thick crust of fear crumbles, allowing the joy of learning to filter through.
Children learn that they are capable in a way they had never imagined. Perhaps most importantly, they stop seeing their uniqueness as a hurdle and start seeing it for what it really is — an extraordinary way to reach the stars.
What Our Clients Say
“Thank you all so much. You took a broken boy and (almost) broken mum and helped us heal. Craig is a happy boy now and I think he likes himself, and that’s all I ever wanted.”
“We came to you exhausted, frustrated and disheartened. You never gave up on our boys, and subsequently they will leave Hils as changed young men. They now have the confidence and hope that all children deserve.”
"I owe a huge debt of gratitude and massive love to Marina, Hilary and the team who have worked with J, kept his self-esteem up and were a huge part of the reason why he has flourished in school and has achieved so much over the past 2 years. We went through the wars for years, everybody at Hils was always there for us, always encouraging J. And look what your love, nurture and help gave this young man."
“I would like to thank you especially for taking Mark through the social issues which he faced last year.”
“Thank you Hils Learning for making my children see great potential in themselves.”